The Underscore Nancy Stark Smith began developing the Underscore in the early nineties. The score observes states that occur in the practice of Contact Improvisation and improvisational dance practices and follows the stages of arrival, development, and resolution that naturally tend to occur at Contact Improv Jams as well as other improvisational contexts, hence the name suggests the underpinnings of our practice. After the initial "Pow-wow" of verbal check-ins, the score is done without speaking until the "Thanksgiving" time of sharing reflections of individual experience.
Click on each picture for an in-depth description of that stage. (currently under construction) Arriving Energetically * Arriving Physically Pow-Wow Preambulation Skinesphere - Bonding with the earth; Mobilizing/agitating the mass Kinesphere - Low Kineshere/high Kinesphere Expanding/Travelling Kinesphere Overlapping Kinespheres Grazing Kinds of Connections Engagement * Developement Resolution/ End/ Disengagement Recirculation through the Score Open Score * Final resolution * Disengagement from the Whole Harvest * Thanksgiving Nonsequential/Anytime/All-the-time Aspects Streaming * Gap * Telescoping Awareness |
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