For a list of Asia's CI Related websites click
Tokyo Contact Jam
WHERE: Majima Studio, 5-9-5 Kitasuna, Kotoku, Tokyo
WHEN: Bi-monthly - Second and fourth Sundays, 4 - 6 PM
Cost: 500 Yen (around $5)
INFO: email: hiroko_tkh at hotmail.com or hirokotkhs at yahoo.co.jp , TEL&FAX +81(0)43-257-7541
Contact Jam in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
WHAT: Spairal (a CI group in Tokyo) gives jams once a week
WHERE: somewhere in Setagaya-ku Tokyo.
WHEN: The monthly schedule is decided one month before.
INFO: Hiroko Takahashi hiroko_tkh at hotmail.com or hirokotkhs at yahoo.co.jp, TEL&FAX +81(0)43-257-7541
Tokyo classes
WHEN: most Sundays and twice a month on Wednesday evening
INFO: Contact Chico KATSUBE & Makiko ITO
E-mail: makiko-ito at pop12.odn.ne.jp TEL/FAX:81-3-5984-20608
WEBSITE:(in Japanese): http://www2.odn.ne.jp/c.i.co.
Hong Kong
WHERE: Studio 7, CCDC dance centre, 110 Shatin Pass Road Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon
WHEN: Check website for dates and times
INFO: E-mail: contactjamhk(at)yahoo.com.hk
WEBSITE: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/contactjamhk
Improvisation Jam Seoul
WHERE: 4th floor of Amandier bakery cafe building, Subway Line 3 to Anguk Station, Exit 1
WHEN: First Tuesday each month (18:00~21:00)
INFO: Free time improvisation open to movers, dancers, musicians, drawers...l who love to share moveme...nt energy in a peaceful and healthy place .
COST: No fee to entrance, just bring your heart and soul. Let's enjoy together .
WEBSITE- https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/improseoul/
Do you know about any more jams in this country/region? Please let us know so we can post them here. Also please help us correct any outdated information.