Inspiring the art and spirit of improvisation
Earthdance invites you for workshops, contact improv jams, personal and group retreats throughout the year. Located within driving distance of New York and Boston, we welcome individuals and groups to create, inspire, relax and heal in the glorious Berkshire hills.
Contact Improvisation has long been at the center of the Earthdance community. The form of contact improvisation contains a wonderful mixture of dance, movement, and physicality along with the principles of improvisation and creating each moment again and again. Earthdance supports the practice and study of contact improvisation in many different ways.
Earthdance Residential Contact Jams - Ranging from 3 - 5 days, our residential contact jams correspond to each season. You can visit our calendar to find out specific dates and details.
* Spring Equinox Jam
* July 4th Jam
* Falling Leaves Jam
* New Years Jam
The schedule at an Earthdance Residential Jam is normally co-created by all of the participants at the jam. Most days begin with a led warm-up leading into an open contact jam. Afternoons often involve open dancing, classes, or structures offered by participants. Past offerings have included authentic movement sessions, action theater classes, blind/mute walks, round robins,
Earthdance Monthly Contact & Improvisation Jams -
* Earthdance regularly hosts many, shorter, evening jams throughout the year. Normally Earthdance hosts a contact improvisation jam on the third sunday of each month starting at 7:30pm.
* Earthdance also sponsors movement improvisation jams accompanied by live improvised music on the first sunday of each month from 7:30 - 9:30pm or occasionally 8:00 - 10:00pm. Check our calendar for details.
* View our entire calendar of events.
Earthdance Workshops cover a range of improvisational forms. Several of this year's upcoming workshops focus either entirely or in part upon the practice of contact improvisation. View our entire calendar of events