CI ExercisesResources From ContactencyclopediaRecently I discovered a new website, Contactencyclopedia, that has some very nice videotutorials as well as many other resources. On the Contactencyclopedia website you will find an array of resources including featured videos, videotutorials, A dictionary of CI related terms and their definitions, articles, notes on documentation, CI histories, and a booklist. Become a member of their site for free and you can view all of these resources. During a one year educational program in computer skills, Kay Grothusen initiated the creation of an interactive tool for CI. The main contents of the CD-ROM were: - 34 short videotutorials illustrating movement principles (basics, level, weight, spiral) and 4 excerpts out of dance films related to CI. You can find the 34 videotutorials HERE: Also on this site is the Contactencyclopedia itself: Initiated by Dieter Heitkamp and developed by the participants of the Israeli contact festival 2006, a list of terms related to CI was gathered. The structure of the alphabet helped brainstorming without trying to make sense of CI by thinking of contents, categories or other borders. You can add terms to the list and, by clicking on any term, you will be able to add your definition of it. In case you do find a definition that does not correspond to your understanding of the term, don't correct it but add your version of it, specifying your CI background. You can also use the "discussion" tab for questions and comments. |
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