Mark Moti Zemelman, MFA (USA) began practicing Contact Improvisation nineteen years ago. Over the past twelve years he has taught and performed across the USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Europe, and Israel. Recent engagements include Earthdance (USA), DanceBase (Edinburgh), Circuit-Est (Montreal), Zodiak Festival (Helsinki), Villa Sumaya (Guatemala), and Centro de Investigación Coreográfica (Mexico City). Moti is a teacher and board member at Earthdance Retreat Center in Massachusetts. Among his respected teachers are: Nancy Stark Smith, Andrew Harwood, Ruth Zaporah, Danny Lepkoff, Martin Keogh, and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. He was an original member of Wire Monkey Dance (Dir.: Saliq Francis Savage, Jen Polins), and currently dances with the Silver Swimmers, an internationally based performance troupe. As a musician Moti plays vocal-electronic music for many Contact Jams and performances and in 2006 released his debut CD, Doorwaves. Other practices include yoga, Action Theater, stilt-walking, modern dance, and clowning. He also designs and moderates the new international Contact Improv resource website