6/19/07 Wild Meadows Improvisation Performance Intensive
July 21 - 28, 2007 - Schellsburg, PA An annual retreat featuring teachers from SPAN, Spontaneous Performing Artists Network, a national group of improvising artists, together with participants in a lab environment to explore improvisation and performance. Pulling from an array of diverse approaches students will explore Contact Improvisation, Viewpoints and spontaneous choreography, as well as somatic practices such as The Feldenkrais Method® and Authentic Movement. At the end of a week of intensive inquiry in the seclusion of Wild Meadows farm tucked in the natural splendor of the Allegheny mountains, participants will emerge and perform with SPAN in Washington D.C. General Information: Wild Meadows is surrounded by 200 acres of secluded mountains ranges, and fertile valleys near the Allegheny mountains, an ideal location for reflective thought and investigation into the CI practice and art form. Some previous experience is requested as this will result in the greatest exploration potential as an ensemble. Break periods will be scheduled to enable participants to take in the glorious natural surrounding of the farm and its cultural heritage. The area is home to Amish, Mennonites and Quakers. Also nearby are Architect, Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Waters built with a creek running under it. COST: $450 includes all food, lodging, workshop and performing costs except travel. To pay online go to our website at www.phffft.org/wmeadows.htm DEPOSIT: $75*deposit due by July 1st, remaining amount due July 20. DISCOUNT: If full amount paid by July 1, lab cost is $425 (a $25 discount) WORKSTUDY: Two positions available, first-come first serve CONTACT: for more infomation email wildmeadows@PHFFFT.org or call 206.935.0459 or 212.404.7808 or go to:
www.phffft.org/wmeadows.htm |