9/28/06 Boston contact dancers on television A 1 1/2 minute piece that is appearing on TV stations across the country! Click below to link to Martin Keogh's website where the video can be watched. ![]() http://www.martinkeogh.com/galleries/TVpiece.html 9/20/06 Crutchmaster
Short documentary on brilliant freestyle dance artist "Crutch" Bill Shannon from www.sterilecowboys.org 9/15/06 Making Contact: Atlanta Contact Improv Jam 2006 A nice video by Sandra M. Yee of a weekend long Jam in Atlanta, Georgia, held this past June. The video is edited shots from the dancing accomanied by cello music by Stephen Katz, seasoned CI Musician. Enjoy a five minute ride of the sights and sounds of Jamming highlights.
![]() Youtube Video - Making Contact: Atlanta Contact Improv Jam 2006 9/8/06 Contact Camp - 4:30 & Destiny ![]() I've just returned from a week long adventure at Burning Man in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada (USA). Made up of over 500 theme camps, Burning Man is an experiment in communal living, radical self-reliance, self-expression and inclusion. Click HERE for the Burning Man Mission Statement or HERE for its 10 principles. Contact Camp was where myself and over 100 other CI practicing "Burners" created a home base for camping and shared meals as well as jams, classes, performances, and other CI explorations.
I was impressed with what a big presence CI has in this immense city with so much to choose from. Every morning at center camp Contacters hosted a jam from 10:30 - 12:30 which was so popular it usually would end up running till 2pm! Being so central meant that hundreds of bystanders would get to witness and join the grace and beauty of our practice. Many first time contact dances were had here befitting to Burning Man's vision of participation and radical self expression vs. the specatator mentality which pervades so much of the rest of the world. |