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Alice Le Guiffant
Contact: Envol
5, Le Verger
Saint-Senoux, Bretagne, 35580,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
I organize events once a month...
Contact-me for further info
Anne Expert
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
JAMS and Labs
On Sunday evenings, 17h30-20h30 (check on the website)
at Arts en Sc?ne, 11 rue Mazagran, Lyon 7?me
On Monday evenings, 19h30-21h30
from September, 2014 till May 18th, 2015
au studio des H?rideaux, 43 rue des H?rideaux, Lyon 8?me
with Anne Expert
Contact: - 0033(0)673593083
Jam: 2 euros
Class: 15/20 euros
Carey Jeffries
Contact: Studio Keller
I rue Keller
Paris, Paris, 75011,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
Practice and teach C.I. Butoh and Yoga
and research in Deep Contact
(a mix of these 3 technics)
Classes and workshops
performance projets with musicians
mainly in France
Also continue research in drawings of dance - visuel composition of mouvement - expos
see &
Contact Improvisation En Lorraine
Contact: Bruno Salvador
Nancy / Metz, lorraine,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
2 jams per month : one in nancy and one in metz. Check on website
Daniel Mang
+33 534519610
2 rue de Turenne
Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, 31300,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher.
Daniel Mang is a physiotherapist of osteopathic orientation. He has been teaching Contact Improvisation since 1990. His movement background includes Aikido, Feldenkrais and BMC. He sees his interest in radical social theory and his love of contact improvisation as two aspects of the same desire. He lives in Toulouse in the South West of France.
Eckhard Mueller
oo33 388 361860
13, Rue Finkmatt
Strasbourg, Alsace, 67000,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
Falling in love with Contact Improvisation in 1988 I spend most of my time and energy in finding deeper into the form as a mover and since 15 years as a worldwide teacher. Based in Strasbourg France and Freiburg Germany, I am also regularly teaching in South America and all over Europe, including East Europe and Israel. Our events like the contactfestival freiburg in Germany are annual events, where contacters from all over the globe meet, share and explore the form, having fun getting friend with people from the other side of the world.
As an artist, I work with a performance concept, that allows the audience to be part of the composition of the moment. The respectful touch is one of the tools we work with. My Partner Daniela Schwartz and me realized this performance in many cities in South America and Europe.
genevieve CRON
Contact: Centre Forme et santé Vincennes
17 av de Paris
vincennes, 94300,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
Genevieve CRON : Danseuse Contact - Improvisation
Enfant, Geneviève CRON peinait à combiner ses passions pour la danse et pour la gymnastique.
Durant ses études scientifiques, elle découvre l'improvisation en danse, en théâtre et surtout la danse contact improvisation en 2003.
Depuis 2006, elle intensifie sa formation en contact avec des professeurs internationaux et pratique les jams intensivement. Les professeurs qui l'ont le plus marqués sont Nancy Stark Smith, Jörg Hassman, Jess Curtis, Nina Martin et Edwine Fournier.
Le contact reste aussi son axe premier de travail dans ses pratiques parallèles : le toucher (massage thaï), la disponibilité du corps (mouvement sensoriel, analyse du mouvement, yoga), la physicalité (travail d'’endurance), la création instantanée (Julyen Halminton, Andrew Morrish); et l'expressivité (théâtre-forum d'Augusto Boal, danse-théâtre) ; danse à deux (tango, tango-contact).
Elle enseigne la danse contact improvisation et l'’improvisation. Elle prend part à des performances avec divers collectifs (Tangible, Almasdream, Bidule Box, Wysiwyg, Comipok, FaireRhizome) principalement en extérieur.
14 rue jean Joseph chevrel
Dourdain, Bretagne , 35450,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
Contact.Improvisation FLUX. Danse.Contact.Impro
I work or have crossed the artistic adventures of different companies, as for example: the Artonik (Marseille) company or I dance and still currently plays.
performer for the "companie Off" (laps) for seven years.
Dancer for the company "Compagny Off " , compagny "vent d'étoile", compagny "Ladahinha" , "Emmanuel Grivet. (dance improvisation) choreographer for the "Atro Teotr " company '.
Co-founder of the association "Incidence" for the practice of CI was Rennes and Bretagne (in collusion with "Eponyme" in Nantes.
Watching two contact-dancers we could say easily that the point of contact is the keystone of a living, moving and dancing building made of by the two dancers.
But this travelling point of contact can only be right, rich, and nice if the basis are fully awake.
What are these basis? Simply opening our senses allows us to receive and give. Thus, we create a relashionship based on confidence and trust with the other.
The point of contact as a keystone, our body as an arch and the centre, the legs and feet as columns to raise the building of our dance.
How from head to the feet, from the Earth to the sky, with my senses, I established a relationship that makes sense for me or my partner for a better travel .
We will share a lot of games and exercices to let by and through the body and the movement.
After this first step we will continue to explore the flux of our danse with another tool : the kinesphere.
Our kinesphere, its volume, its lines, its dynamic. We will discover how it can simplify our link to the movement and infinitely feed our dance - and how and why to make the volume of our kinesphere more dense or on the contrary make it more porous...
It is also the source of the spiral, that organizes the inner movements of our body but also of the spiral of the two dancers that highlights travel our duo...
Open our senses with
isabelle brunaud
Contact: Anqa
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
I am a dancer, choreographer, teacher and dance therapist. I lead the Anqa-danseaveclesroues company composed of people experiencing disability or not, and transmits the CI for twenty years.
Anqa with the collective, we organize guided and jams available once a month at Carreau du Temple in Paris, every 2nd Monday of the month from 19h to 22h and open access to all shop here and 17h?19h every Monday.
We also organize quarterly Great Jam! Micadanses to Paris, which is also accessible to people with disabilities. A performance with persons with disabilities and non-disabled begins 19h-22h30 evening.
Anqa with Didier Silhol also organizes the jam Palace of Women, Paris 19h30-22h30, with a workshop 18h30-19h30
+ The jam workshop is 10 ?, only jam to 4 ?
Nguyen-minh Tâm Antoine
bordeaux, aquitaine,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
we are an association of people passionated by improvisation and contact improvisation and we want to developp it in our region, Bordeaux.
We also want to think about politics, spiritual, social etc... relationated to the art.
For the moment, are organized : a weekly class, WE and week CI workshop, Jams, spontanéous events in the public space .
We are very OK to meet people coming from other countries through this wonderfull practice, Contact Improvisation...
Contact: cie d un jour for rêveur
20 rue pierre cérésole
44400 Rezé, loire atlantique,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
STAGE " à la croisée des langages "
danse ,CI , musiques, clown et performances,contact improvisation
du 18 au 28 juillet
à Barnave, dans la Drôme
ce stage est en deux parties, du 18 au 22 et du 24 au 28 juilletil est possible de ne faire qu une partie
dans un site magnifique en haut de colline, un chapiteau en bois, la vue sur le vercors
Noëlle dalsace, danseuse et artiste de cirque, performeuse, vous invite en voyage autour de différents mode d aproche de la danse, et de l improvisation pour performer en rue et en salle, avec le soutien d un musicien.
une première semaine,
le matin pour suivre un trainig , aborder postures,méditations, conscience du mouvement, dynamique et énergie du mouvement, poétique du geste, rythme, et écriture sur le soutien de variations collectives: une danse fluide, enlevée et métissée.
et ensuite
l après midi, des temps pour découvrir ou revisiter le contact improvisation,nourrir sa danse de cela,(chutes, contact, portés, jeux avec les appuis et l espace et les sens)
et des temps pour aller vers des échanges et partages de danse avec le musicien, pour s émouvoir, se transcender,se dépasser avec plaisir.
et le soir, une ou deux fois, des espaces pour l état du clown, rire et s attendrir, s offrir, pour laisser vivre son imaginaire.
le vendredi sera consacré à la performance pour le public local, dans le lieu.
le week end sera consacré à la vie locale, marché, randonnées, baignades
la deuxième semaine, pour investir les rues, la nature , les villages
le matin exploration des modes d interprétation de l espace,de systèmes chorégraphiques, d écriture solo ou colective pour l extérieur.
l après midi exploration des lieux, choix de rues et expérimentation pour mla mise en forme de petites formes dansées, jouées,
Stéphanie Auberville
+33 143 310 511
PARIS, 75018,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher.
Thiry Bernard
Contact: Artchange
2 rue Haute
I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.
Je pratique et enseigne la danse contact depuis 20 ans. Formé surtout auprès de Marc Tompking, Julian Hamilton en contact puis CNDC Anger, Hervé Diasnas,Gymnastique, art martial Philippin, théâtre etc
J'enseigne depuis 15 ans la danse contact à Dinsheim sur Bruche, Venise, Barenthal, Yena...
la grande maison
Moncley, 25170,
I am a Contact Improv Teacher.
This member can host out-of-town jammers.