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Contact: Earthdance

252 Prospect Street
Plainfield, MA, 01070,

I am a Contact Improv Teacher.

This member can host out-of-town jammers.

Earthdance provides a gathering place that inspires the art and spirit of improvisation. We support and train people at all skill levels to find and develop expression in movement, theater and music. The influence of nature and the ongoing contributions of community members and skilled teachers enliven workshops, jams, peer-led groups, and retreats. A core of residential staff integrates artistic practice with everyday work commitments.

Felice Wolfzahn

413 625.6776

Contact: Felice Wolfzahn

73 Ashfield St.
Shelburne Falls, MA, 01370,

I am a Contact Improv Teacher.

I teach workshops and semester long courses in CI nationally and internationally.

January Workshop with Nancy Stark Smith. c/o Contact Collaborations


Contact: Patrick Crowley

PO Box 603
Northampton, MA, 01061,

I am a Contact Improv Teacher.

a 3-week OPEN training with

January 5–23, 2009
Western Massachusetts, USA

Contact Improvisation
Improvisation Scores/The Underscore
States of Grace
Composition, Performance

A 3-week residential workshop focused on Contact Improvisation and other related work: physical training, improvisation and composition scores, jamming, watching, discussion, feedback, contemplative practice, and performance studies. In solo work, duets, and groups; in and out of contact; in silence and with live music, we’ll move toward greater clarity and inspiration in our dancing and watching.

Please come prepared for intensive practice (and a bit of fun!). Intermediate level in CI required. Fill out online application form – outlining your background and skill level in Contact Improvisation, dance, and improvisation, and your reasons for wanting to attend. All registrations must be approved by Nancy.

The workshop will meet Monday–Friday, 10 am to 5:30 pm in studios at Earthdance, Plainfield, MA, (a beautiful dance retreat center located 35 minutes west of Northampton, MA, in the Berkshire Mountains), in town, and at an Aikido dojo. There will be some evening and weekend activities.

Early Registration Deadline: November 14, 2008

Stephen Katz


Contact: Jamming Cellist

144 Nash Hill Road
Haydenville, MA, 01039,

I am a Contact Jam/Event Organizer.

I've been making cello music for contact since 1979. Love it so much.


Contact: Moti Zemelman

15 School St Apt# 107
15 School St
Montague, MA, 01351,

I am a Contact Improv Teacher and Jam/Event Organizer.

This member can host out-of-town jammers.

Swirly Motif

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